Massage Offered

Full Body Massage

  • A full body therapy massage is a relaxing procedure usually involving soft music, low lighting, and a feeling of tranquility—it’s such bliss. However, most enthusiasts don’t know that although we might be in some state of total relaxation, our bodies are going into full activation mode during a massage.

    In a full body therapy massage, therapists usually massage our entire body during therapeutic massages. Typically, these sessions last a minimum of 50 minutes, allowing enough time to work over all the significant body areas like the back, shoulders, legs, feet, arms, hands, and neck.

    1.It helps increase blood circulation.
    While therapeutic massage techniques and full body therapy massage help alleviate muscle tension and promote relaxation, they are also quite effective at increasing blood circulation. This measure is beneficial for recovering from injury or major surgery. Certain types of massage techniques are utilized to promote blood circulation. You will learn them during a massage therapy program.

    2.It reduces pain and swelling.
    One of the primary benefits of a full body therapy massage is its effectiveness in reducing the amount of pain and swelling that a client may be experiencing, especially from pre-existing medical conditions. Back pain and joint pain are two of the most common types of pain clients want to address during their massage therapy sessions.

    3.It removes harmful toxins.
    One of the most exciting benefits of whole body therapy massage is its effectiveness in removing toxins. The techniques used in massage therapy are designed to promote lymphatic drainage. This step can help break up toxins so practitioners can flush them out of the system. These toxins are then flushed out and excreted by the body over several days. Removing these toxins can improve the client’s quality of life and increase their overall well-being.

Full Body Massage in Jaisalmer
Indulge in a relaxing SPA treatment at Kiyora Spa Jaisalmer , where you will treat yourself to a Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue massage and more , Preformed by our professional team:

Amazing Therapists and Services

  • Complete Detoxification | Effective Treatments

  • Herbal & Natural| Relaxing Massage

  • Steam Bath | Trained Professionals

Full Massage Service in Jaisalmer