Chocolate massage is a relaxing massage type in which chocolate plays the leading role. This massage, which is usually done with hot chocolate, aims to make the body and skin smooth and soft. The use of chocolate as a massage is thought to be due to cosmetic needs, although this is not certain. The aromatic scent of chocolate and cocoa makes it both a soothing power and suitable for exfoliation. 1. It brings a mental relaxing function by containing the effect of aromatherapy. 2. Chocolate helps revitalize and nourish the skin with its antioxidant-rich content. 3. Massage with gentle movements increases circulation while accelerating oxygen and blood circulation. 4. With its scent and content, it supports the release of endorphins and serotonin happiness hormones against problems such as anxiety, excessive stress, muscle contractions, and fatigue. 5. It can be used like a peeling to remove dead skin from the skin and body.
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